Cosas que podrías decir a tu profesor/a Things you might say to your teacher
Lo siento, no lo entiendo I’m sorry, I don’t understand.
¿Perdón? Pardon? Sorry?
¿Qué quiere decir “chair”? What does “chair” mean?
¿Cómo se dice “X” en inglés? How do you say “X” in English?
¿Cómo se deletrea eso? How do you spell that?
¿Es esto correcto? Is this correct?
¿Cuál es el pasado de “go”? What is the past of “go”?
¿Cómo se pronuncia esta palabra? How do you pronounce this word?
¿Qué tenemos que hacer exactamente? What exactly do we have to do?
Perdone, ¿puedo pasar? Excuse me. May I come in?
¿Podría hablar más despacio, por favor? Could you speak more slowly, please?
Perdone. Lo siento, llego tarde. Excuse me. I’m sorry, I’m late.
¿Puedo ir al baño, por favor? May I go to the toilet, please?
¿Puedo sacar punta al lápiz, por favor? Can I sharpen my pencil, please?
Dígalo otra vez, por favor. Say that again, please.
¿Puede ayudarme, por favor? Can you help me, please?
¿Es esto correcto / incorrecto? Is this right / wrong?
Lo siento, he olvidado mi cuaderno. I’m sorry, I forgot my notebook.
Lo siento, no hice mi tarea. I’m sorry, I didn’t do my homework.
Cosas que tu profesor podría decirte. Things your teacher might say to you.
Abrid vuestro libro por la página 25. Open your book at page 25.
Responde las preguntas. Answer the questions.
Escribe las respuestas. Write the answers.
Trabajad solos / en parejas / en grupos. Work alone / in pairs / in groups.
Haz estas preguntas a tu compañero. Ask your partner these questions ...
Responde las preguntas de tu compañero. Answer your partner’s questions ...
Escucha y repite… otra vez… Listen and repeat … again …
Haz la pregunta. Make the question.
Escucha el CD y esponde las preguntas. Listen to the CD to answer these questions.
Lee el texto. Read the text.
Escribe una redacción sobre… Write a composition about…
Copiad esto en vuestras libretas. Copy this into your notebooks.
La tarea es … ejercicio 5, página 11 The homework is ...exercise 5, page 11
¡Bien hecho! Well done!
¿Habéis terminado? Have you finished?
¿Dónde está Pedro hoy? Where’s Pedro today?
¿Quién falta hoy? Who is absent / missing today?
¿Habéis hecho la tarea? Have you done your homework?
Nos vemos la próxima clase. See you next lesson.
¡Que tengáis un buen fin de semana! Have a nice weekend!
¿Cómo estás? How are you?
¡Estaos quietos! Be quiet!
Ven a la pizarra. Come to the board.
Siéntate. Sit down.
Levántate. Stand up.
Cierra el libro. Close your book.
Abre el libro. Open your book.
Enséñame tu libreta. Show me your notebook.
Vamos a empezar con la clase ahora. Let’s start with the lesson now.
¿Está todo el mundo listo para empezar? Is everybody ready to start?
Voy a pasar lista. I’m going to take attendance.
¿A quién le gustaría tener un positivo hoy? Who would like to get extra marks today?
Coge uno y pásalos. Take one and pass them on.
Cosas que podrías leer en tu libro o en
un examen.
Things you might read in your book or in an
Completa las frases con las palabras de
Complete the sentences with the words below.
Completa las frases con la forma correcta
de los verbos entre paréntesis.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.
Escribe las frases en negative e
Write the sentences in the negative and
Elige / Subraya / Rodea Choose / Underline / Circle the correct…
Escribe las palabras en el orden correcto. Write the words in the correct order.
Lee el texto y responde las preguntas. Read the text and answer the questions.
Escribe cinco frases sobre… Write five sentences about…
Traduce las siguientes frases a inglés. Translate the following sentences into English.
Escribe los contrarios. Write the opposites.
Cosas que podrías decir a tu compañero. Things you might say to your classmate.
¿Podría coger prestado tu…? Can I borrow your…, please?
¿Puedes dejarme un…? Can you lend me a …?
Lo siento, no recuerdo tu nombre. Sorry, I can’t remember your name.
¿Podemos compartir el libro? Can I share your book with you?
¿En qué página estamos? What page is it on?
¿Me puedes pasar esas hoja, por favor? Can you pass me that piece of paper, please?
Perdona, ese es mi libro. Excuse me, that’s my book.
¿Quién va a empezar? Who is going to start?
¿A quién le toca? Whose turn is it?
Me toca a mi ahora. It’s my turn now.
go to school ...................... ir al colegio
study .............................. estudiar
learn (by heart) ................. aprender (de memoria)
do homework .................... hacer la tarea
ask................................. preguntar
answer ............................ responder
know .............................. saber
revise.............................. repasar
take an exam .................... hacer un
pass an exam..................... aprobar
fail an exam...................... suspender
repeat a year .................... repetir
leave school...................... dejar el
take the register
attendance ....................... pasar lista
expel .............................. expulsar
punish............................. castigar
punishment....................... castigo
skip classes*...................... saltarse las clases
absent............................. ausente
present............................ presente
hard-working..................... trabajador
inattentive ....................... distraido
undisciplined..................... indisciplinado
high / secondary school........ instituto
state school ...................... colegio público
private school.................... colegio privado
class ............................... clase
classroom......................... clase
headmaster ...................... director
deputy ............................ vicedirector
director of studies .............. jefe de estudios
counsellor ........................ orientador
teacher ........................... profesor
tutor............................... tutor
caretaker ......................... conserje
secretary ......................... secretario
language assistant .............. asistente lingüístico
cleaner............................ limpiador
desk ............................... pupitre
table .............................. mesa
ruler .............................. regla
glue ............................... pegamento
scissors ........................... tijeras
stick .............................. pegar
calculator......................... calculadora
brush .............................. cepillo
computer ........................ ordenador
keyboard ......................... teclado
mouse ............................ ratón
headphones ..................... auriculares
loudspeakers..................... altavoces
laptop ............................. portátil
netbook........................... miniportatil
map................................ mapa
drawing pin ...................... chincheta
duster, eraser.................... borrador
rubber............................. goma
sharpener......................... sacapuntas
schoolbag......................... mochila
pencilcase ........................ estuche
exam .............................. examen
break.............................. recreo
bell ................................ campana
chair............................... silla
lesson ..............................lección
period..............................hora de clase
free period ........................hora libre
french class .......................clase de francés
vocabulary ........................vocabulario
playground ........................patio
assembly hall .....................salón de actos
language lab ......................laboratorio de idiomas
reception ..........................recepción
staffroom..........................sala de profesores
registration room ................secretaría
laboratory .........................laboratorio
headteacher’s office ............despacho del director
classmate .........................compañero
cupboard ..........................armario
locker ..............................taquilla
stapler ............................grapadora
hole punch .......................taladradora
schoolbag .........................mochila
notice board .....................tablón
dictionary .........................diccionario
notebook ..........................libreta
sheet ..............................hoja
pen ................................bolígrafo
pencil .............................lápiz
marker ............................subrayador
boardpen ..........................rotulador pizarra
chalk ..............................tiza
crayons ............................ceras
coloured pencils .................lápices de colores
correction fluid ..................líquido corrector
spelling ............................ortografía
essay ...............................redacción, trabajo
translation ........................traducción
exam ...............................examen
mistake ............................fallo
good mark .........................buena nota
bad mark ..........................mala nota
pass mark..........................aprobado
school report......................boletín
GCSE ...............................graduado de
computer studies ................informática
maths ..............................matemáticas
history .............................historia
geography .........................geografía
biology .............................biología
physics .............................física
English .............................ingles
physical education ..............E.F.
religion ............................religión
French .............................Francés
Do you remember the
numbers from 1 to 20?
Write them in letters:
Now it’s your turn! Write the following in letters:
26+78= ___________________________________________________
68-37= ___________________________________________________
76x 4= ___________________________________________________
627:3= ___________________________________________________
38+ 4 = 42 thirty-eight plus/and four is/makes/equals forty-two
56–24 = 32 fifty-six minus twenty-four is/makes/equals thirty-two
7x8= 56 seven times/ multiplied by eight is/makes/equals fifty-six
54:9=6 fifty-six divided by nine is/makes/equals six
1. Tens and units are joined by a hyphen (-)
21 twenty-one 56 fifty-six
2. For numbers that are > 100 you need to
use and between hundreds and tens and
units: five hundred and eighty-nine
3. You don’t need “AND” to join thousands
and hundreds.
4. Terms like dozen, hundred, thousand,
million, billion are invariable if preceded by
a number, but they need the plural –s when
they refer to an indefinite quantity
(hundreds, thousands…)
2,566 two thousand, five hundred and sixtysix nine hundred but hundreds of books.
Now it’s your turn! Write the following numbers in letters:
358 ______________________________________________________________________
506 ______________________________________________________________________
4,802 ____________________________________________________________________
7,003 ____________________________________________________________________
12,538 ___________________________________________________________________
624,287 __________________________________________________________________
7,544,853 _________________________________________________________________
1. Addition
2+ 3 = 5
Two and three is / are five
Two plus three is /equals five
2. Subtraction
7 ‐ 4 = 3
Four from seven is / leaves three
Seven minus four is /equals three
3. Multiplication
5 x 2 = 10
Five times two is / makes ten
Five multiplied by two equals ten
4. Division
9 : 3 = 3
Nine divided by three equals three
Simple fractions are expressed by using ordinal numbers
¾ : three fourths ¾ : one third
Decimal fractions are said with each figure separate. We use a full stop, called “point”, not a comma,
before the fraction.
0.5 : nought point five
Ordinal Numbers from 1 to 1,000,000
1 st first 11 th eleventh 21 st twenty‐first 31 st thirty‐first
2 nd second 12 th twelfth 22 nd twenty‐second 40 th fortieth
3 rd third 13 th thirteenth 23 rd twenty‐third 50 th fiftieth
4 th fourth 14 th fourteenth 24 th twenty‐fourth 60 th sixtieth
5 th fifth 15 th fifteenth 25 th twenty‐fifth 70 th seventieth
6 th sixth 16 th sixteenth 26 th twenty‐sixth 80 th eightieth
7 th seventh 17 th seventeenth 27 th twenty‐seventh 90 th ninetieth
8 th eighth 18 th eighteenth 28 th twenty‐eighth 100 th one hundredth
9 th ninth 19 th nineteenth 29 th twenty‐ninth 1,000 th one thousandth
10 th tenth 20 th twentieth 30 th thirtieth 1,000,000 th one millionth
Irregular Verbs 4 ESO
Irregular Verbs
1 be was, were been estar
2 beat beat beaten derrotar, golpear
3 become became become convertirse en, hacerse
4 begin began begun empezar
5 bend bent bent doblar
6 bet bet bet apostar
7 bite bit bitten morder
8 bleed bled bled sangrar
9 blow blew blown soplar
10 break broke broken romper(se)
11 breed bred bred criar
12 bring brought brought traer
13 build built built construer
14 buy bought bought comprar
15 catch caught caught coger, atrapar
16 choose chose chosen elegir
17 come came come venir, llegar
18 cost cost cost costar
19 cut cut cut cortar
20 deal dealt dealt tratar
21 do did done hacer
22 draw drew drawn dibujar
23 dream dreamt dreamt soñar
24 drink drank drunk beber
25 drive drove driven conducir
26 eat ate eaten comer
27 fall fell fallen caerse
28 feed fed fed alimentar
29 feel felt felt sentir
30 fight fought fought luchar
31 find found found encontrar
32 fly flight flight volar
33 forbid forbade forbidden prohibir
34 foretell foretold foretold predecir
35 forget forgot forgotten olvidar
36 forgive forgave forgiven perdonar
37 freeze froze frozen congelar
38 get got got conseguir, recibir
39 give gave given dar
40 go went gone ir(se)
41 grow grew grown crecer, cultivar
42 hang hung, hanged hung, hanged colgar, tender
43 have had had tener, tomar, haber
44 hear heard heard oír
45 hide hid hidden esconder
46 hit hit hit golpear
47 hold held held sujetar
48 hurt hurt hurt doler, hacer daño
Irregular Verbs 3 ESO
49 keep kept kept continuar, seguir
50 know knew known saber, conocer
51 lay laid laid poner, extender
52 learn learnt learnt aprender, enterarse de
53 leave left left irse, dejar
54 lead led led encabezar, dirigir
55 lend lent lent prestar
56 let let let dejar (autorizar)
57 light lit lit encender
58 lose lost lost perder
59 make made made hacer, fabricar
60 mean meant meant significar, querer decir
61 meet met met conocer, reunirse,
quedar, encontrarse
con alguien
62 pay paid paid pagar
63 put put put poner
64 read read read leer
65 ride rode ridden montar (caballo, moto,
66 ring rang rung tocar (el timbre) sonar
(el teléfono)
67 run ran run correr
68 say said said decir
69 see saw seen ver
70 sell sold sold vender
71 send sent sent enviar
72 sew sewed sewn coser
73 shake shook shaken agitar, sacudir
74 shine shone shone brillar, relucir
75 shoot shot shot disparar
76 show showed shown mostrar
77 shrink shrank shrunk encoger
78 shut shut shut cerrar
79 sing sang sung cantar
80 sink sank sunk hundirse
81 sit sat sat sentarse
82 sleep slept slept dormir(se)
83 speak spoke spoken hablar
84 spell spelt spelt deletrear
85 spend spent spent gastar (dinero), pasar
86 spread spread spread extender
87 spring sprang sprung aparecer, brotar
88 stand stood stood estar de pie
89 steal stole stolen robar
90 stick stuck stuck pegar, colgar
91 stink stank stunk apestar
92 sweep swept swept barrer
93 swim swam swum nadar
Irregular Verbs 3 ESO
94 take took taken coger, llevarse
95 teach taught taught enseñar
96 tell told told decir, contar
97 think thought thought pensar
98 throw threw thrown tirar, arrojar
99 understand understood understood entender
100 wake woke woken despertar(se)
101 wear wore worn ponerse, llevar puesto
102 weep wept wept llorar
103 wet wet, wetted wet, wetted humedecer, mojar
104 win won won ganar
105 write wrote written escribir UNIT 1
1 Match the adjectives to the correct pictures.
… 1. sweet
… 2. salty
… 3. fried
… 4. sour
… 5. frozen
… 6. cooked
… 7. raw
2 Choose TWO suitable adjectives to complete the sentences.
1. Most cakes are sweet / fattening / raw.
2. I drink water with spicy / frozen / salty food.
3. Fried / Oily / Cooked food is not very healthy.
a b c
a b c
a b c
a b c
a b c
a b c
a b c
3 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
1. Maria / not have / lunch / with her father / today / .
2. my cousin / often / send / photos of his family / to me / .
3. he / not like / driving / in rainy weather / .
4. they / fly / to England / now / ?
5. she / cook / breakfast / every day / ?
6. Bill and Ben / always / walk / to football practice / together / .
4 Complete the sentences with the words below.
a • an • any • how many • how much • some
1. Is there …………………… apple in the bag?
2. ……………………………… days are there in a year?
3. Darren hasn’t got …………………… friends.
4. ……………………………… sugar is there in the tea?
5. Jon wants to buy …………………… mobile phone.
6. Peter is bringing …………………… fizzy drinks.
5 Choose the correct answers.
Ellen: Hi, Sue. What 1
are you eating / do you eat / you are eating?
Sue: A doughnut. It’s delicious!
Ellen: But it’s not very healthy. Doughnuts are fried and they have got 2
a lot of / some / much calories.
Sue: Well, I 3
don’t eat / am not eating / doesn’t eat them every day and there are 4
any / some / much
vitamins in my doughnut.
Ellen: Vitamins! Are you sure?
Sue: Yes! I 5
eat / eats / am eating a strawberry doughnut. There are vitamins in fruit and strawberries
are fruit.
1The words below appear in the text in Exercise 2. Find the words and guess their meanings. Use a
dictionary to check your guesses.
1. spaceship …………………… 3. rocket ……………………
2. screen …………………… 4. spacesuit ……………………
2 Read the text. Then complete the sentences below.
Are you looking for a different type of restaurant? Then Mars 2112 is the place for
you. Mars 2112 is a popular restaurant in New York City. But it’s not an ordinary
restaurant. People don’t come to Mars 2112 for the food. They come for an
interesting and fun experience.
The name Mars 2112 comes from the red planet – Mars. Going to the restaurant is
like visiting a different world. You sit in a “spaceship” – a room with some chairs in
front of a screen. There are a lot of lights and the room begins to move. On the
screen, you see pictures of a rocket, stars and a planet. Five minutes later, you
“land” on Mars – well, actually the dining room. It’s a big room with rocky walls and
red lights. Around 500 people can eat in it. Waiters in spacesuits bring your food,
and everything has got a Martian name like Full Moon Pizza, Martian Soup or Red
Star Fried Chicken. There are video games and music videos to entertain you, too.
The restaurant is very popular and there is usually a long queue of people in front of
it. A meal at Mars 2112 is a lot of fun.
1. People go to Mars 2112 for ...................................................................................................... .
2. The dining room is similar to the planet Mars because ........................................................... .
3. The waiters wear ...................................................................................................................... .
4. At the restaurant, you can play ................................................................................................ .
5. Many people usually wait to ..................................................................................................... .
3 Write questions with the words below. Then answer the questions according to the text
in Exercise 2.
1. how much time / it / take / to “land” on Mars
2. what / you / see / in the “spaceship”
3. how many people / the restaurant / serve
4. what / people / eat / at the restaurant
4 Complete the chart below about an unusual restaurant that you have visited or heard about. Then
write an e-mail to a friend describing it.
Name of restaurant: ....................................................................................
Address: .....................................................................................................
Type of restaurant: .....................................................................................
Types of food: .............................................................................................
Reason why you like it: ..............................................................................
1 Choose the correct answers.
1. Firefighters rescue / damage / pollute people from fires.
2. It’s important to recycle / plant / clean up newspapers and bottles.
3. We destroy / clean up / throw out our rubbish twice a week.
4. I want to plant / collect / rescue all the cans in this room.
5. On Clean Up Day, people damage / pick up / pollute rubbish.
2 Write questions with the words below. Use the Past Continuous.
1. what / the boys / collect / at the beach
2. the girls / plant / flowers / in the forest
3. who / the people / talk to / outside the building
4. what / Dylan / do / last night / at 7 o’clock
3 Look at the pictures and answer the questions in Exercise 2.
1. ............................................................................................................................................
2. ............................................................................................................................................
3. ............................................................................................................................................
4. ............................................................................................................................................
1 2 3 4
4 Complete the sentences with the words below. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous and when or
1. It started to rain ..........................................................................................................................
the children / swim / in the sea
2. We stopped talking .....................................................................................................................
the teacher / come / into the room
3. The students were cleaning up the park ....................................................................................
their parents / plant / flowers
4. I was walking to school ..............................................................................................................
I / fall / in the snow
5 Complete the passage with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous.
The Exxon Valdez was a large ship and it 1……………………………… (transport) oil to many countries. On
24th March 1989, while the ship 2……………………………… (travel) from Alaska
to Los Angeles, it 3……………………………… (hit) Bligh Reef. This damaged the ship and a lot
of the oil 4……………………………… (go) into the sea. Many birds 5……………………………… (hunt) for
food in the sea when the accident 6……………………………… (happen). About 250,000 birds
7……………………………… (die) and the oil killed thousands of fish, whales and other sea animals, too. It
8……………………………… (take) more than $4 billion, three years and thousands of workers to clean up
the area.
1 Read the text. What do the numbers below refer to?
The Maldives are a group of beautiful tropical islands in the Indian Ocean. But the
Maldives have got a dirty secret: Thilafushi, the world’s biggest rubbish island. Ships
bring more than 330 tonnes of rubbish to Thilafushi every day.
The Maldivians built Thilafushi in 1992. At the time, they were looking for a place to
throw out their rubbish. Nearly 100,000 people lived in Malé, the capital city, and
they were producing a lot of rubbish every day. Malé is only two square kilometres,
and there wasn’t a good place for all of the rubbish. The government decided to
build Thilafushi to solve the problem.
Today, more than 10,000 tourists come to the Maldives every week. Each tourist
produces 3.5 kilos of rubbish, and Thilafushi is growing by one square metre every
day. The Maldivians are trying to find new places for their rubbish, and they now
send some of it to India. Indian ships bring vegetables to the Maldives and they
return with empty cans, metals and cardboard for recycling.
It’s a rubbish crisis, but the tourists don’t know that. They continue to swim in the
blue sea and enjoy the sun on the sandy beaches. They have got no idea about the
rubbish island only a short distance away.
1. 330 …………………… 3. 10,000 ……………………
2. 100,000 …………………… 4. 3.5 ……………………
2 David is interviewing Tom, a volunteer in an environmental project. Tom has just returned from
Thilafushi. Write David’s questions using the Past Simple or Past Continuous. Then write Tom’s
answers based on the information in the text.
1. what / people / see / when / they / arrive / there
....................................................................... .................................................................
2. when / the Maldivians / build / Thilafushi
....................................................................... .................................................................
3. what / Indian ships / bring / to the Maldives
....................................................................... .................................................................
4. what / the ships / carry / when / they / return / to India
....................................................................... .................................................................
5. what / the tourists / do / while / they / visit / the Maldives
....................................................................... .................................................................
3 Write a letter to a friend describing an interesting place you’ve been to. Make sure you answer the
following questions.
1. Where did you go?
2. Who did you go with?
3. What did you do there?
4. What did you like most about the place?
1 Choose the correct answers.
1. John won’t … because he’s got a map.
a. win an unusual race b. get lost
2. Ann … last July. She visited Brazil.
a. went abroad b. had an accident
3. We’re … at the new Indian restaurant.
a. being hurt b. having an exotic meal
4. Jake’s eaten 54 hamburgers! He’s … !
a. gone diving b. broken the record
5. I wanted to … so I climbed Mount Everest.
a. do an extreme sport b. win an award
6. Jane … at camp. She was horse-riding and fell.
a. was hurt b. was getting lost
7. They saw a lot of sharks when they … in Greece.
a. got lost b. went diving
8. You look terrible! Have you … ?
a. broken the record b. had an accident
2 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Present Perfect Simple.
1. I / never / eat / raw / fish / .
2. we / not see / this film / for many years / .
3. Jill / be / a pilot / for three years / ?
4. the cook / not leave / the kitchen / yet / .
5. the judge / already / make / a decision / .
6. they / throw out / the rubbish / yet / ?
3 Choose the correct answers.
1. Dr Griffin was / has been a surgeon since 1997.
2. I went / have gone to the hairdresser’s last week.
3. The bus driver didn’t take / hasn’t taken the children to school in the morning.
4. Did you see / Have you seen Cowboys and Aliens yet?
5. We didn’t have / haven’t had crisps for two months.
4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple
affirmative, negative or interrogative.
1. I …………………………… (see) Tony for a month.
2. ………………… you ever ………………… (be) to a hairdresser?
3. I was at the shopping centre yesterday, but I …………………………… (not buy) anything.
4. We ………………… already ………………… (hear) this story.
5. What ………………… he ………………… (say) to you last night?
5 Complete the interview with a film producer. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple.
Q: When 1…………………… you …………………… (become) a film producer?
A: I 2……………………………… (get) my first job in 1996. I 3……………………………… (be)
a film producer for more than 15 years.
Q: Why 4…………………… you …………………… (decide) to become a film producer?
A: Well, I 5……………………………… (always love) films. I’m good with money and schedules.
So one day, I 6……………………………… (decide) to try producing.
Q: How many films 7…………………… you …………………… (produce)?
A: I 8……………………………… (just complete) my eighth film.
Q: 9…………………… you …………………… (meet) a lot of famous film stars?
A: Yes, I 10……………………………… . I 11……………………………… (work) with some very famous
1 The words below appear in the text in Exercise 2. Find the words and guess their meanings. Use a
dictionary to check your guesses.
1. clown …………………… 3. balloon ……………………
2. make-up …………………… 4. shout ……………………
2 Read the text. Then imagine you are interviewing Jill. Write questions with the words on the next
page. Use the Past Simple, Present Simple or Present Perfect Simple. Then write Jill’s answers to
the questions.
Jill Blackstead is a professional party clown. She uses the name “Tiddlywink” and
people pay her money to perform at children’s parties. Jill has been a party clown for
more than ten years. Her career began when she was still at school. She wanted to
make some money to buy CDs and clothes, so she began organising children’s
parties. Her parties became very popular and soon she was doing more than eight
parties a month. Today, Jill works as a party clown almost every day. She has a
good salary and really enjoys her work.
Jill wears the usual clown costume – a red nose, a big hat and funny shoes. She
doesn’t wear face make-up because this often frightens young children. Over the
years, she has improved her programme. Her parties include face painting, magic,
silly games and balloon animals.
Jill has won an award for being the best party clown in New York. So what is her
secret? Jill believes that a party clown must make children feel happy. While she is
painting faces or making balloons, she always talks to the children and asks them
questions. She has also noticed that every year there are two or three words that
children think are funny. When things are not going well at the party, she just shouts
one of these words and the children immediately start laughing.
1. Interviewer: how long / you / be / a party clown
Jill: .....................................................................................................................................
2. Interviewer: when / your career / begin
Jill: .....................................................................................................................................
3. Interviewer: you / enjoy / your work
Jill: .....................................................................................................................................
4. Interviewer: what / costume / you / wear
Jill: .....................................................................................................................................
5. Interviewer: you / ever / win / any / awards
Jill: .....................................................................................................................................
6. Interviewer: how / you / make / children / laugh
Jill: .....................................................................................................................................
3 Tick ( )the sentences T (true) or F (false) according to the text in Exercise 2.
Copy the sentences that helped you decide.
1. Jill became a party clown because she wanted to be popular. …… ……
2. Jill gets a lot of money for her work. …… ……
3. Jill paints her face white. …… ……
4. Jill sometimes shouts at the parties. …… ……
4 Imagine you are a clown at a children’s birthday party. Write an e-mail to a friend describing a
successful or unsuccessful birthday party.
1 Choose the word with a similar meaning to the word in bold.
1. fashionable: practical • outdated • trendy
2. old-fashioned: ”out” • formal • sensible
3. sensible: practical • formal • ”in”
4. trendy: ”out” • ”in” • casual
5. modern: old-fashioned • outdated • fashionable
2 Write sentences with the words below and (not) as … as.
1. blouses / warm / sweaters
2. a sports cap / casual / trainers
3. shorts / long / trousers
4. trainers / noisy / high heels
5. plastic earrings / expensive / gold earrings
3 Look at the picture and tick ( ) the sentences T (true) or F (false).
1. The ring is cheaper than the earrings. …… ……
2. The earrings are the biggest item. …… ……
3. The ring is as wide as the bracelet. …… ……
4. The earrings aren’t as elaborate as the bracelet. …… ……
5. The ring is the most expensive item. …… ……
50 €
50 € 85 €
4 Read the sentences. Then choose the next logical sentence.
1. The homework is too difficult.
a. I’ve already finished it.
b. I don’t understand it.
2. My shoes aren’t big enough.
a. I need new shoes.
b. I need smaller shoes.
3. The food is too hot.
a. Let’s eat!
b. Wait a minute or two.
4. My trousers aren’t long enough.
a. I’m standing on them.
b. You can see my socks.
5 Complete the sentences with the adjectives in brackets. Use too … or (not) … enough.
1. John isn’t going out tonight. He’s ……………………………… (tired).
2. Phil can’t be a basketball player because he’s ……………………………… (tall).
3. I like these jeans but they’re ……………………………… (expensive) for me.
4. It’s ……………………………… (hot) to wear flip-flops today. Your feet will be cold.
5. This outfit is ……………………………… (casual) to wear for the wedding.
6 Choose the correct answers.
In the 1960s , Mary Quant was a popular fashion designer in London, but her clothes were
1 too cheap / not cheap enough / cheaper than for many teenagers. Then in 1964, clothing designer
Barbara Hulanicki opened the shop Biba. Biba’s clothes were 2 as trendy as /
the trendiest / trendy enough Mary Quant’s clothes, but they were 3 not as expensive as / the most
expensive / too expensive Mary Quant’s fashion.
Biba became one of 4 the biggest / bigger than / big enough tourist attractions in London.
It was 5 the most popular / more popular than / less popular than Harrods. Then in 1970, Biba became a
department store, but for Barbara the business was 6 too big / big enough /
the biggest. In 1975, she closed the department store.
1 Read the text. Then answer the questions.
Have you ever been to a wedding? The bride’s dress is one of the most important
parts of the event, and most women spend a long time choosing the right one. But
what is the right dress? Wedding dresses, like other types of clothing, reflect the
fashion of the time.
In Ancient Rome, people believed white was the favourite colour of the god of
marriage, so women wore white wedding dresses. But in the medieval period,
colourful material was more expensive than plain material. Rich women wore
colourful wedding dresses with a lot of cloth to show their status. Ordinary people
wore practical dresses from plain cloth. After their wedding, they wore their wedding
dress at church and for celebrations.
The long white wedding dress of today became fashionable after Queen Victoria got
married in 1840. Many brides saw her wedding photograph and decided to wear
similar dresses. People began using machines to make cloth in the 19th century, so
cloth wasn’t as expensive as before and more people had the money to pay for long
dresses. During World War II, people needed cloth to make uniforms, so brides wore
short dresses. But when the war was over, long dresses were “in” again. Since then,
the style and length of wedding dresses has changed as different fashions have
become trendy or outdated. So what do you think wedding dresses will look like a
hundred years from now?
1. Why did some medieval women wear colourful dresses?
2. What did other medieval women do with their dresses after their wedding?
3. What type of wedding dress did Queen Victoria wear?
4. What happened as a result of Queen Victoria’s wedding dress?
5. How did machines change fashion?
6. Why was cloth important during World War II?
2 Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets. Then tick ( ) the
sentences T (true) or F (false) according to the text. Copy the sentences that helped you decide.
1. In Ancient Rome, white wedding dresses were ………………………………
(popular) colourful wedding dresses. …… ……
2. Plain cloth was ……………………………… (expensive) colourful cloth in the
medieval period. …… ……
3. Cloth was ……………………………… (cheap) in the 19th century than it was
in the 18th century. …… ……
4. Long wedding dresses were ……………………………… (fashionable) short
wedding dresses during World War II. …… ……
3 Write a letter to a friend about a wedding or other celebration that you have been to.
Include a description of some of the people’s clothes.
1 Complete the sentences with a suitable collocation. Use the words below.
a business • a degree • a difference • effort • a discovery • best • friends • money
research • to university
1. People use the Internet to do …………………… .
2. Try and do your …………………… in the exam.
3. She joined a club because she wanted to make …………………… .
4. Chris needs to make …………………… because he wants to buy a car.
5. It’s important to go …………………… and get …………………… .
6. One day, someone will make …………………… and there will be a cure for AIDS.
7. Dana wants to make …………………… in people’s lives so she is going to be a teacher.
8. She wants to start …………………… and sell her cakes to restaurants.
9. If you don’t make an …………………… , you won’t succeed.
2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the First Conditional.
1. I …………………… (go) to Disneyland if I visit California.
2. If they …………………… (build) a shopping centre, people will shop there.
3. Adam will be successful if he …………………… (start) a business.
4. If Janet …………………… (not have) breakfast, she’ll be hungry.
5. If Anita …………………… (be) late, we’ll meet her inside the concert hall.
6. We …………………… (not wear) high heels if the party isn’t formal.
3 Write questions with the words below. Use the First Conditional. Then answer the questions.
1. what / you / do / if / it / rain / tomorrow
2. if / you / not go / to university / your parents / be / disappointed
3. how / you / feel / if / I / forget / your birthday
4. if / it / be / hot / tomorrow / what / you / wear
4 Clark and Lana are planning a park for a class project. Complete their conversation with
the verbs in brackets. Use the First Conditional.
Clark: Let’s build our park on Maple Street.
Lana: But if we put our park on Maple Street, people 1…………………… (not come). It’s too close to the power
Clark: How about near the town square? 2…………………… parents …………………… (bring) their children if the park
is near the town square?
Lana: They’ll bring their children if we 3…………………… (have) a playground.
Clark: That’s a great idea. And let’s plant a lot of trees so there will be shade.
Lana: Trees take a long time to grow. If you plant trees now, you 4…………………… (not have) a shady place for
Clark: Well, if you 5…………………… (not plant) them now, you won’t ever have a shady place.
Lana: I guess you’re right. Have you got a computer? It 6…………………… (be) easier if we work on a computer.
Clark: I’ll ask Mum. If she 7…………………… (not need) her computer right now, she’ll let us use it.
Lana: Great!
1 Read the text. Then choose the correct answers.
In the 1940s, it became fashionable for families in the United States to buy homes in
residential neighbourhoods outside the cities. These areas, called suburbs, were
quiet and peaceful. Life in the suburbs was especially popular for people with young
children. They preferred homes with gardens and friendly, safe neighbourhoods.
But recently, things have begun to change. More and more people are choosing to
live in cities. They like the convenience of city life – for example, being close to work
and not spending hours on trains or buses every day. In addition, they enjoy being
near concert halls, cinemas and restaurants.
Because suburbs haven’t got as many people as cities, there isn’t much variety of
places to go and things to do. It can be boring, especially for teenagers. This worries
some parents and they have decided to make a change. If they move to a city, their
teens will have more to do.
What will happen if a lot of people want to move to cities? First of all, cities will
become more crowded. Also, if city homes are in great demand, they will become
more expensive. Will rich people move to cities and poor people to suburbs? How
will these changes affect us in the future? At the moment, there are more questions
than answers.
1. Suburbs are / aren’t residential neighbourhoods outside cities.
2. People in cities spend / don’t spend too much time on trains and buses.
3. People with teenage children prefer / don’t prefer quiet neighbourhoods.
4. If teens have got a lot of things to do, their parents will / won’t worry.
5. Most of the poor people from cities have / haven’t moved to the suburbs.
2 Answer the questions.
1. What are three advantages of living in the suburbs?
2. What are three advantages of living in a city?
3. Why do parents of teenagers sometimes move to a city?
4. What are two possible results of a lot of people moving to cities?
3 Complete the chart about a city and a suburb you have lived in or have visited.
City Suburb
4 Your friend is moving to the city from the suburbs. Write an e-mail to him / her. Tell him / her about
some of the differences between life in the city and life in the suburbs and what he / she can expect.
Use the text in Exercise 1 and the chart in Exercise 3 to help you.
1 Choose the correct answers.
1. I haven’t got time to take a call / hang up now.
2. Harry’s driving at the moment. He’ll call back / interrupt in an hour.
3. Don’t forget to turn on / turn off your phone at the cinema.
4. Did you leave a message / receive a message yesterday from the dentist?
5. I want to call back / reply to David’s text message, but I don’t know what to say.
6. Marcia, can you hold on / repeat for a minute? Mum, Marcia’s on the phone.
2 Complete the sentences with the verbs and phrases below.
interrupt • hang up • leave a message • turn on • get back to • repeat
1. Mrs Johnson is busy right now. Would you like to …………………… for her?
2. I didn’t hear you. Please …………………… that.
3. I know you’re angry, but please don’t …………………… the telephone.
4. I have to think about your suggestion, but I will …………………… you soon.
5. Is Mr Porter busy? Please don’t …………………… him.
6. How do you …………………… the digital camera on this mobile phone?
3 Choose the correct answers.
1. Last year, Oliver can / can’t / couldn’t play the piano.
2. Rob’s mobile phone hasn’t got voicemail. You could / can’t / can leave a message.
3. Angela doesn’t understand her homework. You shouldn’t / should / couldn’t help her.
4. You must / couldn’t / shouldn’t use a mobile phone in a swimming pool.
5. You can’t / mustn’t / should feed dogs chocolate. It makes them ill.
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of must or have to. There may be more than one
possible answer.
1. Lisa has lost her mobile phone. She …………………… buy a new one.
2. You …………………… use your mobile phone. We’re on an aeroplane.
3. I …………………… walk the dog. It’s my sister’s job.
4. We …………………… get up before 7.00 or we’ll be late for school.
5. George …………………… walk to school because he’s just bought a scooter.
5 Look at the signs and choose the correct answers.
1. You can / must / should park here.
2. You have to / should / could stop.
3. You should / can’t / couldn’t cross here.
4. You can / have to / mustn’t use a mobile phone here.
5. You don’t have to / mustn’t / can’t take an umbrella today.
6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of can, could, should, must or have to. There may be
more than one possible answer.
1. You …………………… play football in the living room. Mum doesn’t allow it!
2. Bonnie …………………… ride a bicycle a year ago, but now she rides all the time.
3. Don’t spend all your money in the shops. You …………………… pay for the taxi home.
4. I haven’t got video calling so I …………………… see you.
5. It’s Mum and Dad’s anniversary. We …………………… make breakfast for them.
6. The students at Buttonwood School …………………… wear uniforms. They wear their favourite clothes
at school.
1 The words below appear in the text in Exercise 2. Find the words and guess their meanings. Use a
dictionary to check your guesses.
1. thief …………………… 4. block ……………………
2. steal …………………… 5. security code ……………………
3. lock ……………………
2 Read the text. Then complete the sentences with suitable modals according to the text.
You’ve got a new mobile phone. It’s got a touch screen, a big display and a great
digital camera. You can do amazing things with it. But can you protect it from mobile
phone thieves? Here are some tips to help you.
Tip 1: Most thieves steal phones so they can make expensive phone calls on
them – and you have to pay for these calls. If you lock your phone with a security
code, many thieves won’t want to steal it.
Tip 2: Use an ultraviolet pen to write your address and home phone number on your
phone. You should write them on the phone and on the battery. You can’t see
ultraviolet writing under a normal light, so a phone thief won’t know it’s there. But it
will help you identify the phone. If someone wants to return the phone to you, it will
help him or her, too.
Tip 3: Press *#06# on your keypad and a special code will appear on your phone’s
display. If someone steals your mobile, give the code to the phone company. The
company can use the code to block the phone permanently. Then the thief can’t use
it with your SIM card or with any other SIM card.
Tip 4: Download a program like GadgetTrak. This program can find your phone. It
can even take a photo of the thief!
1. You …………………… put a security code on your mobile phone.
2. You …………………… write your name on your mobile phone, but you …………………… use a normal
3. A phone company …………………… know your special code to block your mobile phone.
4. Thieves …………………… use your mobile phone when it is blocked.
5. You …………………… download GadgetTrak before you can use it.
3 Write questions with the words below and can. Then answer the questions according to the text in
Exercise 2.
1. thieves / use / mobile phones with security codes / easily
2. you / read / ultraviolet writing / under every light
3. what / mobile phone companies / do / to help you
4. what two things / GadgetTrak / do
4 What other problems do people have with mobile phones? Write tips for solving these problems.
1 Choose the correct answers.
1. Who discovered / invented / produced America?
2. If you study more, your English will improve / create / operate.
3. It’s a good idea to design / plan / prepare a holiday before you travel.
4. A lot of coffee is constructed / produced / planned in Brazil.
5. Who is going to prepare / develop / invent dinner tonight?
2 Complete the sentences with the words below.
construct • created • designed • operated • developed
1. Mickey Mouse was …………………… by Walt Disney in 1928.
2. I M Pei is an architect. He …………………… the Louvre Pyramid in Paris.
3. There were about 270 people at the first Academy Awards Ceremony (“The Oscars”),
but it …………………… into the biggest event in Hollywood.
4. The Burj Khalifa was built from 2004 to 2010. It took six years to …………………… the skyscraper.
5. The London Eye is …………………… seven days a week.
3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple Passive
or Past Simple Passive.
1. Many aeroplanes ……………………………… (fly) every day. The first
aeroplane ……………………………… (invent) in 1903.
2. Work on the Tower of Pisa ……………………………… (begin) in 1173.
The Tower ……………………………… (visit) by many tourists every year.
3. Jeans ……………………………… (wear) all over the world. They
……………………………… (create) by Levi Strauss in 1873.
4. Tea ……………………………… (discover) in China in 2737 BC. It
……………………………… (drink) in many countries around the world.
4 How much do you know about the USA? Write questions with the words below. Use the Present
Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive.
1. which / president / elect / in 2008
2. when / Independence Day / celebrate
3. what / take / from France to New York / in 1886
4. what / food / consider / traditional American food
5 Use the information below to write answers for the questions in Exercise 4. Use the
Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive.
the Statue of Liberty • 4th July • apple pie • Barack Obama
1. ............................................................................................................................................
2. ............................................................................................................................................
3. ............................................................................................................................................
4. ............................................................................................................................................
6 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the
Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive.
No one can really say when the game of football began. Some people believe football
1……………………………… (play) more than 3,000 years ago in Japan and in Rome.
In England, in the 14th century, people 2……………………………… (not allow) to play football and
football players 3……………………………… (put) in jail. However, people
didn’t stop playing the game and it eventually became very popular. Later, football
4……………………………… (export) to many different countries and today, it
5……………………………… (enjoy) by millions of people around the world.
1 The words below appear in the text in Exercise 2. Find the words and guess their meanings. Use a
dictionary to check your guesses.
1. tube …………………… 3. wrapped ……………………
2. pull apart …………………… 4. package ……………………
2 Read the text. Then answer the questions.
On Christmas Day, families around Britain eat Christmas lunch together. While they
are eating, people wear paper hats. Where do the hats come from? Christmas
A Christmas cracker is a British tradition. It’s a paper tube inside colourful paper.
Two people hold the ends of the cracker and pull it. When the cracker is pulled
apart, it makes a loud crack sound. Inside the cracker there’s a paper hat, a small
present and a joke on a piece of paper. The same jokes have appeared in
Christmas crackers for years, so most people know them.
Christmas crackers were invented in the 1850s by Tom Smith. Tom Smith sold
sweets and chocolates. They were wrapped in paper and one day he decided to put
a short message in the packages. Many of his sweets were bought by men to give to
women, so the messages were usually love poems.
After some time, Smith changed his packages so they made a loud sound. The
sweet became a small present and in the 1900s, paper hats were added by Smith’s
sons. Later, the love poems were replaced by jokes, and people began calling the
crackers Christmas crackers because many people bought them at Christmas.
Today, most homes in Britain have got a box of Christmas crackers.
1. What is the connection between Christmas crackers and paper hats?
2. What are Christmas crackers wrapped in?
3. How have Christmas crackers changed since they were first invented? List three differences.
3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple Passive or Past Passive.
Then tick ( ) the sentences T (true) or F (false) according to the text in Exercise 2.
1. Paper hats …………………… (wear) on Christmas Day. …… ……
2. Christmas crackers …………………… (invent) in 1900. …… ……
3. In the 1850s, love poems …………………… (put) inside the crackers. …… ……
4. Most of Smith’s sweets …………………… (buy) by women. …… ……
5. Many Christmas crackers …………………… (sell) in Britain. …… ……
4 Write to a pen pal about a tradition in your town. Complete the chart to help you.
Where / When / Why did the tradition begin?
How has it changed over the years?
Who keeps the tradition today?
1 Complete the labels under the pictures
… … … -skates … … … … … guard … … … … … … … … bat
… … … … club … … … … … … stick … … … … … … racket
… … … … … board … … … … … mill
2 Complete the sentences with the words below.
boxing gloves • protective gear • wrist guards • baseball glove • helmet • mouth guard
1. You wear a …………………… to protect your head.
2. It’s easy to catch a ball with a …………………… .
3. You wear a …………………… to protect your teeth.
4. Knee guards and wrist guards are types of …………………… .
5. …………………… protect your hands.
6. You wear …………………… and elbow guards to protect your arms.
7 8
1 2 3
4 5 6
3 Choose the correct answers.
Every morning during the summer holidays, Michelle left her flat 1
quiet / quietly and took the bus 2
sleepy / sleepily to her summer job at Simon’s Bakery. Michelle worked 3
hard / harder than any of the
teenagers at the bakery. Her job was 4
pleasantly / pleasant, and she liked the 5
nice / nicely people at
work. She spent her money 6
carefully / more carefully than any of her friends. She didn’t waste any
money because she wanted to buy a ticket to visit her cousins in Paris at the end of the holidays. Finally,
after two months of 7
hard / harder than work, Michelle’s big day came. At the airport, Michelle said
goodbye to her parents. Then, she smiled 8
happy / happily and got on the aeroplane.
4 Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
1. who / dinner / prepared / last night
2. wear / usually / Ed / what / for school / does
3. who / the funniest stories / tells / in the class
4. books / like to read / teenagers / do / what
5 Complete the questions for each statement.
1. Leonardo da Vinci invented the scissors.
a. Who ........................................................................................................................... ?
b. What .......................................................................................................................... ?
2. Geologists study rocks and minerals.
a. Who ........................................................................................................................... ?
b. What .......................................................................................................................... ?
3. Michael Phelps won eight gold medals in 2008.
a. Who ........................................................................................................................... ?
b. What .......................................................................................................................... ?
1 Read the text. What do the numbers below refer to?
How many kilometres can you run? Maybe you can run two or three kilometres
easily. But what about 42.195 kilometres? That’s the official distance of a marathon.
The name marathon comes from an ancient Greek legend. According to the legend,
in 490 BC, a Greek messenger was sent from Marathon to Athens to tell the people
about the Greek victory over the Persians. The messenger, Pheidippides, ran to
Athens without stopping. It was about 40 kilometres, and after he gave people his
message, he fell down and died.
Is the legend of Pheidippides true? People don’t know the answer, but the legend is
very well known in Greece.
When the first modern Olympic games were held in Athens in 1896, Pierre de
Courbertin, the organiser of the games, decided to have a 40-kilometre marathon
race like the one in the legend. In 1908, 2.195 kilometres were added to the
marathon at the London Olympics so athletes could run from Windsor Castle to the
royal box at the Olympic stadium in White City. Later, people decided to make
42.195 kilometres the official distance.
Today, people compete in more than 800 marathons a year. They must train hard
for many months to run this distance. Some people run quickly and some run slowly,
but everyone receives a medal for finishing a marathon.
1. 42.195 …………………… 5. 1908 ……………………
2. 490 …………………… 6. 2.195 ……………………
3. 40 …………………… 7. 800 ……………………
4. 1896 ……………………
2 Make questions with the words below. Make any necessary changes. Then answer the questions
according to the article.
1. who / tell / the Greek people / about their victory
2. what / Pierre de Coubertin / organise
3. where / the 1908 marathon / begin
4. what / all marathon participants / receive
3 You are a newspaper reporter. You are interviewing a professional marathon runner who has just
won the New York marathon. Write questions to ask him / her. Then write his / her answers.
1 Choose the correct expressions.
1. Someone asks you a question but you don’t know the answer. You say: “Never mind.” /
“I’ve got no idea.”
2. You want your friend to choose a film. You say: “It’s up to you.” / “Don’t put up with it.”
3. Your friend tells you he’s tired because he hasn’t slept for two days. You say:
“No wonder you’re tired.” / “Help me out.”
4. Your friend tells you that her classmates insult her all the time. You say: “I’ve got no idea.” /
“It’s tough.”
5. Your friend feels bad for being late. You say: “Never mind.” / “You must draw the line.”
6. Your friends ask you why you look miserable. You say: “I can’t stand it.” /
“I’m feeling down.”
2 Correct the mistakes in bold.
1. Maybe Lara be famous one day.
2. I am wanting to leave now.
3. We lived here since we were children.
4. Who did make this cake?
5. If David won’t study, he won’t get a good mark.
6. Many trainers made in China.
7. While Ben walked to the rubbish bin, a dog attacked him.
3 Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Chris 1…………………… (get) ready for a party when he looked in the mirror and saw something new on
his face: an ugly big red spot. Suddenly he 2…………………… (not want)
to go to the party any more. We all know that Chris isn’t alone. Acne 3…………………… (be)
a problem for teenagers since people began using mirrors. The reason? Hormones are very active at this
age, and hormones 4…………………… (cause) acne. There is some good news: recently, scientists
5…………………… (develop) better ways to prevent acne. Hopefully, this condition 6……………………
(improve) in the future.
4 Read an interview with a teenager and choose the correct answers.
Q: 1 How much / How many / Many time do you spend worrying about your marks?
A: A lot! I 2 mustn’t / have to / could get good marks so I 3
can’t / could / can go to a good university.
Q: How often have you got tests?
A: This year, there are 4 much / a lot of / any tests. I’ve got 5
a / some / much test every week.
Q: Do you worry a lot about your appearance?
A: Yes, I do. I think I’m 6
taller / too tall / not as tall as.
Q: 7 Are / Have / Has you got any problems with your parents?
A: I 8
are not allowed / was not allowed / am not allowed to stay out late at night. I don’t like that!
Q: What are your plans for the summer?
A: In August, we 9
is spending / is going to spend / are going to spend a week at the seaside. I 10 was
also given / am also given / were also given a lot of summer homework by my English teacher!
1 The following words are in the text in Exercise 2. Find the words and guess their meanings. Then
use a dictionary to check your guesses.
1. management …………………… 3. tense ……………………
2. relaxation ……………………
2 Read the article. Then complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use a
suitable tense. Tick ( ) the sentences true (T) or false (F).
Amanda was furious, so she hit a window with her hand and broke the glass. Steve
kicked a classmate because he was insulted by him. Sally hasn’t spoken to her
parents for days because they won’t allow her to go to a music festival with her
friends. Amanda, Steve and Sally have got problems controlling their anger. This
control is called “anger management”.
There are good reasons to learn anger management. Most importantly, it stops us
from saying or doing things we’ll be sorry about later. Second, if you don’t control
your anger, you won’t make friends easily. Finally, anger management can even
prevent heart problems later in life.
Anger management experts have developed practical techniques for controlling
anger. One suggestion is simple: when you’re beginning to get frustrated about a
situation, leave the room. If that’s impossible, try a quick relaxation exercise. This
helps because anger causes the heart to work faster and the muscles to become
tense. So count slowly to ten or imagine a peaceful place. This will help you become
calmer and respond better to the situation.
Exercising also helps because it causes your brain to produce special chemicals.
These chemicals are called endorphins and they make you feel good. Other helpful
activities are writing in a diary, drawing, painting, dancing, playing an instrument and
listening to music.
Try these anger management techniques. Maybe they’ll help you.
1. Amanda …………………… (break) her hand when she hit the window. …… ……
2. Steve …………………… (insult) someone. …… ……
3. Sally …………………… (not speak) to her friends for days. …… ……
4. When we’re angry, our heart …………………… (work) faster. …… ……
5. If you count to ten slowly, you …………………… (feel) calmer. …… ……
3 Correct the false sentences from Exercise 2.
4 Answer the questions according to the text.
1. What is anger management?
2. What are two good techniques to control anger?
3. What is the connection between exercise and feeling good?
5 Think about a time you were angry about something or with someone. Write a diary entry or an email about the situation. Describe what made you angry and how you reacted.